- Curation
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- Co-Curate
Our strap line is 'by their fruits you'll know them'. What we mean here is that Spaces of Hope will look very different, but they will be consistently good. We can say this confidently, because of the process we use and the principles we have set out, to design Spaces of Hope.
We recognise that different people and places will want different things to grow out of them. This will be due to the different beliefs, values and worldviews at the foundation of those communities, as well as the different gifts and talents that exist.
Our 'Grow your Own' offer is designed to work with you, to gather the things you need and organise them in a way that make the most of your assets, producing new Spaces of Hope, and increasing the health, hope and connectedness of your communities.
If this offer is right up your street, then please get in touch with us.
If you think there is a way we can help, but you need a little inspiration, then head over to our 'Stories of Hope' section where we set out the kinds of projects we have worked with.